China to keep working with rest of world to build community...

The Chinese actions to build a community with a shared future for mankind fully demonstrated the country’s sense of responsibility and have turned people’s aspiration for a better life into reality. Guided by the vision, employees working in the ...

第二次世界大战开始,英国政府制作了“Keep Calm and Carry on”宣传海报,用以鼓舞民众士气。从此,“保持冷静,继续前进”一举成为英伦文化符号。2020年,新冠病毒袭来,昔日“日不落帝国”宣布“像战时政府一样行动”,那么,如今生活在英国的人们是不是能冷静,能前进?澎湃...

33、【答案】[D] cannot keep pace with the changing market 【解析】细节题。根据题干回文定位到文章第三段,第三句话“it is very slow compared to the pace of change within the digital economy.”意为:对比数码经济中变化的速度,它是很缓慢的,cannot keep pace...

break in 突然进来,强行进入;插嘴,打岔。 break off 停止讲话; 暂停,休息;折断: break out(火灾、战争等)突然发生或爆发。 break down(机器、车辆等)坏了;(计划、谈判等)失败;(谈话、通...

“Keep clam and carry on”(保持冷静,继续向前)这句话已经牢牢扎根在英国人的心中,同时他们也知道,只有被恐怖袭击吓到了,才是恐怖分子真的胜利了。 “英国人用他们特有的平静来面对这...

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